
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dessie and Phyllis

This photo was taken in Monsterboise road, Grandad Waddell's back garden, it's my uncle Dessie, mams brother, Dessie is my mams only brother, she had too older brother who died at a very young age, it must have been very hard on my grand parents, after the boys died they moved to england with their eldest daughter Peggy, my mother was born there , they moved back to Ireland when my mother was four, i don't think my grand perents ever got over it, mam told me that grandad Waddell talked about the boys to her, i can only imagine what it must have been like for them,mam and her father had a great relationship he taught her so much, she still gets upset when she talks about him, she tells me all about him, and i enjoy the storys she tells me.


grahamer said...

very sad story, very hard times it must have been back then for me nanny..i did'ent know she had two brothers....and i love you nanny.

phyllis said...

that's really nice Graham

Unknown said...

That is a very nice narration Phyllis. Top of the class.

phyllis said...

thanks Jim, does that mean i get to sit up the Front of the class, it will make a change as i was always down the back for laughing and not doing my homework we called homework our
"exer" short for exercise

Unknown said...

Top of the class means top of the class. That is where you belong.

Eileen said...

Teachers pet!!!!

phyllis said...

every thing comes to those who wait,
me granny told me that!!!!

Therese said...

After they came from England they had hard times,My mother and Eileen were sent to a convent in Ballaghadereen in Roscommon, they were there for approx 9 months.Eileen was so lonely mam had to sing to her every night to get her to sleep.

phyllis said...

Therese, I read your comment to mam and a tear came to her eye, she told me many times this story, what she remembers, and the one thing that stands out in her mind like it happened yesterday, is the nuns bathing her in her nightgown, i suppose is would have been a modesty thing in those days,your mam would have remembered a lot more as she was older, am i right by saying they were in the home until Granny and Grandad got some where to live, i would love for you to tell what your mam told you.

Therese said...

Yes the nuns were very nice and kind to them. Mam said they were well looked after. One of the nuns made her write to her mother every week. They were brought back to Dublin on the train, Nana met them at the station. Grandad had a row with Nanas father and walked out, mam ran after him and he went to other relations who took them in, thats how they went to Roscommon.

phyllis said...

Therese, i showed my mother your last comment she was unaware of any of that, naturally,
as she was only four ,she was delighted to know more about that time in her life,it's a pity your mam and my mam never discussed it between then, maybe it might have been hard for your mam to talk about it as she was older and might have had more of an effect on her

Therese said...

yes the first house grandad went to didnt take them in, they were walking for a long time and it was night time. Dont remember if she said who did or who didnt, eventually the family was reunited of course

phyllis said...

sad really when you think of it, i know mam didn't make her confirmation,and when she was getting married she had to go to mount Argus and make it alone,i suppose if she didn't she could not have got married.

Therese said...

yes they had hard times, one of my mothers first memories was lying on the floor under the window with her mother while the bullets were flying around Aungiers st.during the Black and Tan era. she was about 2

Eileen said...

My goodness.....they had it very hard. I never knew my mam spent that time in a home away from her parents. Very sad, she was only four. Of all the stories my mam recounted she never told me that one. They lived through some tough times, we don't appreciate how good we have it today. Dad went with Mam for her to be confirmed in Mount Argus....she has talked a lot about that.