I Too Became A Dissident
*dis·si·dent noun a person who opposes official policy, especially that of
an authoritarian state.*
I see that Google agreed to set fire to the Reichst...
3 weeks ago
Very Very funny.. Explains everything.
On the more serious side, I have been reading a great deal about how the Irish economy is in the tank, not at all surprised considering what was going on there. I hope everyone is ok, and this mess is not causing any strain to anyone in the fambly. Remember if anyone needs the few bar, don't hesitate to call me.
Your brother, James.
ring ring!
Colin. I've been trying to call you all day but your phone has apparently been ringing off the hook.
I need a few bar.
Guess nobody got my joke.
Your brother and I laughed hysterically!!!
Joke? What joke? I saw my name there and I thought that meant I was first on the list.
Does this mean......... ?
Very funny....I was in Germany the other day and took a crash course in their language....looks like we might be all speaking it soon...
I love the ironery of this...in 1939... Mr Hitler went to war with the intention of ruling Europe...at the cost of 50,000,000 lives now the German bank's have realised his dream......with the stroke of a pen
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