
Monday, October 18, 2010

JP Sings

Fun and games in the park with the dogs of an afternoon.


marytwin said...


Eileen said...

well its very nice to spend a bit of time with you Hi Carol!!!!! :-)

Unknown said...

Isn't the internet amazing. I spent years abroad with little news from anyone and now people are there every day at the touch of a key. Can never take all this for granted really. I wonder if young people really appreciate this?

Anne said...

Two classic Elvis songs....but I had to strain to hear them, and I think you were singing in Eden Quay there, but very nice and relaxed, which is great...very nice...

Oh, and Hey Carol, another classic..

Unknown said...

It is just a small camera and the mike is not very strong at a distance. It was just a bit of a sing song on a sunny late afternoon in a place called River Forks where the north and the south umpqua rivers meet. A beautiful little place as you can see.

twjewel said...

O.K. always the last in the loop, who's Carol?

Unknown said...

Carol is behind the camera Terry.

phyllis said...

Yes we know she is behind in the camera ..but who is she..tell tell.. and hee-er where yeah get that jumper..
nice singing by the way..

Colin M. Walsh said...

The Jem fella croonin, and the wan a swoonin!

Unknown said...

I got that jumper in Dublin Phyllis. In the Guinnes Brewery Shop I think.

Unknown said...

Colin is jealous!

grahamer said...

no i'm the jealous one

phyllis said...

it's a really nice jumper Jim, but still info on Carol!!!

Colin M. Walsh said...

Jimmy, you better spill the beans or I will make something up and post it. And yes, I am jealous, always loved Dickie Rock.

phyllis said...

...And whats more , knows about your Sesame chicken!!!

phyllis said...

Almost forgot, Hi Carol.....

Unknown said...

Looks like this post hit the spot. Maybe I should sing more often.
By the way: curiosity killed the cat.

twjewel said...

Amazing how my question was never answered!
Now I'd like to hear Colin's version.

Eileen said...

haha....Jim tell them nothing!!!! (Hi Carol...wink wink)

marytwin said...

James up to bat! I'm loving this...great fun

Unknown said...

Truth is stranger than fiction.

phyllis said...

We all know the saying curiosity killed the cat and information made him fat....well seeing as we're all fat we don't tell, don't bring me over there

Colin M. Walsh said...

This is how I see this all unfolding. Jim, disappointed that he had not received the kippers he had requested on my last trip to Ireland, decided to look for some in Roseburg. Knowing this would not be easy, he dressed appropriately for the task, pith helmet mounted on his head with a disarming, yet jaunty tilt - cordroi safari jacket with the belt pulled tightly at the waist - plus-fours and brightly polished gaiters.

The staff at the Safeway, relieved that he was not shopping for beef, as impailing the sirloin with his acero while dressed as a toreador, although entertaining, had lost its luster. Having reconnoitered the refrigerator section - “the last kipper” - he reached, extending his arm just enough to expose his Cartier Santos from beneath the jacket sleeve, a favorite, worn during almost all of his public appearances - reaching - his hand was met by another in chase of the same salty fish.... a pause.....a hesitation.....a moment. James looked up - the paisley pattern of his cobalt blue cravat reflecting in the carbon coated lenses of his Serengetis, and said.....

Unknown said...

Colin is a poet and he doesn't know it. James Joyce and Brendan Behan put to shame. And we thought he was just a pretty face and a fountain of dollars and greenbacks.

marytwin said...

...a pause..a hesitation...a moment. And James softly said, "Ah love, I will gladly share this lonely small sardine, if you will allow me to prepare it in my kitchen." To which Carol sweetly replied..."Sir, you have a fine line, but the fish is mine."

audrey said...

I love it

twjewel said...

Enough said.

Eileen said...

Haha...great story Colin....and great ending Carol.....and on that note may I say....Carol, welcome to the fambly......:-)

Unknown said...

By way of clarification here: Eileen spells family as 'fambly'. She knows how to spell family. The story is that Dad had a difficult time spelling in general and with 'family ' in particular. One year he wrote all the Christmas cards and wrote " from all the fambly, which is phonetic Dublinese" when Mam discovered this she had to write them all again with the correct spelling without him knowing.
Therefore whenever some of the family write ' fambly' , as I often do, it is to mark this. It's an inside fambly thing.
A little bit of fambly history for the young Walsh whippersnappers.

Colin M. Walsh said...

Love the ending, although it leaves one thinking the story is not quite over. Beans still need to be spilled, canarys still need to sing, and squealers still need to squeal.

By way of further clarification on Jim's last comment. The whipper-snappers are now in their 40's....

audrey said...

..."Sir, you have a fine line, but the fish is mine."

Very interesting....
but I'm thinking does Carol really mean this or is she playing hard to get??????
I mean no one can work wonders with a kipper the way our Jim can....does she know what she's missing.

Joanne W said...

I think this kipper is a red herring!!

Unknown said...

Ha! Another couple of Hens in the JP Rooster House. The power of music to bring out the masses. Welcome, all are welcome .

phyllis said...

Ah,But Audrey you are forgetting she knows about Jim's "sesame chicken" and that is a clue, unless they were playing "come dine with me" Colin your right beans need to be spilled and no one is singing like a canary no one even has writers report,mmmmm sets the mind thinking, now kippers, a little bit fishy to me if i may say so, Joanne you could be right about the red herring, thats a decoy to take our minds off the chicken !!