Given the framing, overall colour saturation, general pose and quality of the photo and notwithstanding the balanced elements, it looks like I took this photo. I did in fact take this photo. It was a day out with French Cathy, Paul and myself in the Wicklow mountains if I remember correctly. There is a series of these photos and I will try to post them. The day ended up in a small pub in the mountains in front of a roaring fire drinking irish coffee. T'was a great day indeed if my memory serves me well.
This was a magical afternoon and I remember it today as if it was yesterday. We really had a wonderful time . The bracing air, the grey clouds and the Dublin mountains made for a feeling of comfort and well being. It was so nice to find that pub and to hear the crackling fire in the grate, the wooden tables and benches and the warmth of it all stays with me to this day.
2020 Alternate Oscars
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CHTM: A flavour of year ten
Edit: This is my final post on CHTM. Thanks for your readership of my posts
over the last decade! Stay in touch! My new podcast, Three Castles Burning,
is ...
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The Blog has moved...
Thank you for following French Girl in Seattle for almost 4 years.
Le Blog just moved, and we miss you!
This is your official invitation ...
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*photos by enrique menossi*
Sign Up To Offer Holyland Scattering Service
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Scattering can offer your client families a serene and sacred place of rest
Fly fishing in Labrador
It's been quite a while since I updated my blog. I have some photos of a
trip I made in 2005 to Labrador. We stayed at Kepimets Camps, owned by Matt
I remember that car...and the registration! How old was that car and where was it registered?
it was registered in Sligo in 1967
Love the Paul fella.
Given the framing, overall colour saturation, general pose and quality of the photo and notwithstanding the balanced elements, it looks like I took this photo.
I did in fact take this photo. It was a day out with French Cathy, Paul and myself in the Wicklow mountains if I remember correctly. There is a series of these photos and I will try to post them. The day ended up in a small pub in the mountains in front of a roaring fire drinking irish coffee. T'was a great day indeed if my memory serves me well.
The photos were taken in Loch Dann in Co. Wicklow in 1976. A wonderful day it was too. Cathy adored our Paul.
All of the sister in laws adore our Paul.
This was a magical afternoon and I remember it today as if it was yesterday. We really had a wonderful time . The bracing air, the grey clouds and the Dublin mountains made for a feeling of comfort and well being. It was so nice to find that pub and to hear the crackling fire in the grate, the wooden tables and benches and the warmth of it all stays with me to this day.
No , it wasn't Johnny Foxes I don't think. Paul should remember the name or the location of the place. I know Johnny Foxe's.
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