This is an extract from a much larger video filmed by Claude Patry in Cairo when we worked there together. It shows a photo shoot we did with the entire kitchen staff in the ballroom. It also show a small cruise down the Nile that was taken by the expatriates and a scene at the pyramids with all of the kitchen management staff. I am still in touch with most of these people and it is unfortunate that they are in France and I am here. Many long term friendships were forged during that period and although we worked very hard we also had some fun. I have very fond memories of this particular time and the good laughs we had. There is a small snippet of Cathy that I left in at the very end for those at home who remember her. She is at a little picnic wearing a short sleeved blue shirt, it is very fleeting so you have to be quick. Phyllis loved Cathy so she will be glad to see this.
The quality of this video is not very good because it was filmed in super 8 and then transferred to video. The memories are in technicolor and cinema scope.
Great to have all these memories on video jim...I'm enjoying looking at them..
This was a particularly special video for me Audrey. I made so many friends while I was there that I worked with again later in Brazil and Paris and we still write to each other and send updates and photos. They were great times. Why do we always think of the mistakes we made in life when we look back on these times? We were young and stupid so I suppose we had and excuse.
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