Here are all the photos by our talented photographers of autumn in their area. Thank you for sending them to me and I hope you like the video. The music is 'L'Absence' by Serge reggiani. It is a melancholy song about missing someone, very much like the feeling of autumn itself which to me is always a time of reflection and change. There is another version on youtube with Willy Nelson singing 'September Song'.
Again, thank you to all the talented photographers for their submissions. Let's do something again soon. It was only after I made the slide show that I realized that the red type is difficult to see. Will do better next time.
I am being a little self indulgent with the music here. This song takes me back through a few decades of memoreis and numerous people. Be sure to watch the Willie Nelson version on youtube.
Thank you Jim, thanks so much.
Well done...very very nice...we all did so well...
James had such a good idea way back in September. Thanks for sticking with this, James...I had so much fun with it. It was such a nice Fall gift for all.
How come i didn't get an invite..hello like i have a good camera!!
Great photos anyway ;)
Must have overlooked your photography skills chicken. I can't imagine how but there you are. You will be on the next one. I think I put a notice up on the blog , did I not.
Great Idea, turned out so beautiful. Well done. x
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